Connect to your favorite products
with DataGPT Xpress

Seamlessly connect with data from your favorite daily tools using our comprehensive suite of Connectors.

Our first Connector, Google Analytics, is live! Sign up and start talking to your Google Analytics Data.

Get Started



per team/month
Unlimited Data
Pre-configured templates

Sign Up and start with a Free 2 week trial.

Requirements: You need your Google Analytics data stored in Google BigQuery. If it is not, we provide simple instructions.

About The Google Analytics Connector

Talk to Your GA Data

Stop settling for surface level insights! If optimization is your goal, you need deeper insights than your run of the mill GA dashboards. DataGPT goes beyond the basics, helping you discover patterns, and the reasons behind your campaign's success or failure. Simply ask DataGPT questions and receive analyst-grade answers in seconds.

Get Started

DataGPT stands above the rest of the market in its accuracy, ease, and complexity of analysis.

While many tools are just SQL wrappers that can only answer basic questions and provide simple answers, DataGPT brings you into the big leagues, enabling robust analysis to the questions that really drive your business outcomes like “Why did Conversions Drop This Week?”

Getting started is simple:

Connect DataGPT to your data in Google Analytics

Start navigating and conversing with your data

  • "We increased paid ads on Facebook, how did that impact conversions this week?"
  • "Why did Daily Active Users drop today?"
  • "What are the trends in popularity among sources this week?"

Welcome to the Modern Era of Data Analytics

From: Using current BI solutions

To: Using DataGPT

Writing SQL

Asking a Chatbot any data-related question

Manual data investigation

Automatic data analysis

Hundreds of dashboards

Single interface

Telling you only What happened

Uncovering Why it happened

Time intensive integrations

Automated data connection and deployment

See the Power of DataGPT's Google Analytics Connector

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