How Wombo Prevented a Loss in over 330,000 Daily Active Users
WOMBO has millions of users, millions of app installs, and a lot of data. But using traditional BI tools to analyze the data meant critical insights were being missed. WOMBO turned to DataGPT because they needed help taking their data and making it actionable, instantly.

In mid-February, the team at WOMBO, an AI-powered lip sync app with over 65 million app installs worldwide, opened DataGPT and saw that all of their core metrics had dropped significantly compared to the week prior:
- Number of WOMBOs (lip sync videos created in their app) were down 16%
- Daily Active Users were down 19%
- Number of New Installs were down 9%
The team needed immediate answers as to why these metrics dropped in order to mitigate any further attrition.
But this time, panic did not ensue, their entire team of analysts was not pulled from their tasks to start combing through dashboards, creating hypotheses, and running queries for days. Instead, WOMBO simply opened DataGPT and everything they needed to know was right there.
Finding the Why Instantly
In just one click, DataGPT revealed that one segment was primarily responsible for the drop in all three metrics; Users in India. The Number of WOMBOs Created in this segment was down by 23%.
Drilling down into the data navigator, DataGPT revealed that the song selection was the real driver in the drop in engagement in India. Each week WOMBO promotes new songs on their homepage, but this week the number of WOMBOs created in India from the promoted songs were down by a massive 70%.

In minutes, the why was clear - the new set of songs promoted on the homepage caused such a significant drop in engagement and activity in India, it impacted all their core metrics.
“DataGPT has totally transformed our ability to do analysis. We’re able to get answers instantly that used to take weeks of work from our BI tools. Almost everyone on the team uses DataGPT everyday.” - Ben-Zion Benkhin, CEO & Founder of WOMBO
DataGPT enabled WOMBO to take action the very same day, preventing a loss 330,000+ daily active users
That day, WOMBO’s marketing team quickly revamped their content strategy for Users in India, promoting more options and more songs in their native languages.
The Result:
- User Activity by Users in India increased 18%
- Total User Activity increased 15%
- Daily Active Users in India increased 14%
- Total Daily Active Users increased 10%
Ultimately, WOMBO was able to recover the 330,000 Daily Active Users lost and prevent further attrition, immediately.
“In order for insights to be actionable, we need them instantly, or we risk major losses waiting days or weeks to understand what’s going on. Because DataGPT can deliver complete and trustable insights in seconds, their analysis is setting a new standard for what “actionable insights” really means." -Ryan Khurana, Chief of Staff at WOMBO
Every single day, Wombo has the equivalent of thousands of hours of manual analysis thanks to DataGPT.
This story was just one day in the life of WOMBO. WOMBO relies on data everyday to optimize and grow their business, but data analysis has become increasingly over-complicated and resource-intensive. For WOMBO, the choice to invest in DataGPT as their analytics solution was easy for three reasons:
- The Setup is Simple: WOMBO provided DataGPT with access to their data and the 15 key metrics they wanted to track, and DataGPT did the rest.
- The Analysis is Fast and Accurate: DataGPT provides reports on their 15 key metrics comparing day to day, week to week, and month to month changes so they can get answers when they need it most, immediately.
- The Depth of Analysis is Unparalleled: Every data point is analyzed, and each metric includes at least five breakdowns. Breakdowns are a highly detailed look into each metric so no factor is left unaccounted.
“DataGPT has provided us with the power of an entire data team. We no longer need to hire a team of analysts and data scientists.” - Ben-Zion Benkhin, CEO & Founder of WOMBO
WOMBO AI is the world’s best AI-powered lip sync app boasting over 65 million app installs across over 150+ countries. As the fastest growing consumer app in Canadian history, the company is pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI and synthetic media. They are on a mission to provide the world with AI-powered tools to immerse themselves in entertainment.
About DataGPT
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